Title Tune-Up

Intake days/hours (by phone)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10am-3pm
Intake days/hours (other)
Description of other
Online intake, Civil Justice staff make every effort to respond within two business days.
Advice/Help Hotline Phone
Advice/Help Hotline Days/Hours
Mondays: 1:30pm-6pm, Wednesdays: 8am-12:30pm
Cost or fee (describe)
Free and low cost. Network attorneys provide affordable services to low- and moderate-income Marylanders.
Program Description

Civil Justice also offers the Title Tune-up program for households denied a loan modification and/or mortgage assistance for not being the title holder. The Title Tune-up program provides households free legal advice and representation for households to acquire a clear title to their home. 

When contacting the Network attorneys to inquire about representation, please notify the attorney that you were referred through the Civil Justice website.  Each attorney sets their own fees based on the type and complexity of the case and other factors.

Housing - General
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Limited representation
Full Representation

Source URL: https://peoples-law.com/title-tune

List of links present in page
  1. https://peoples-law.com/title-tune
  2. https://civiljusticeinc.org/foreclosure-assistance
  3. https://civiljusticeinc.org/apply-online
  4. #bootstrap-panel--content