Economic Justice Program

Intake days/hours (by phone)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10am-3pm
Intake days/hours (other)
Description of other
Online intake, Civil Justice staff make every effort to respond within two business days.
Cost or fee (describe)
Free, low cost or contingency fee.
Condition of waiver (describe)
When contacting the Network attorneys to inquire about representation, please notify the attorney that you were referred through the Civil Justice website. Each attorney sets their own fees based on the type and complexity of the case and other factors.
Program Description

Through a combination of in-house services and representation through our statewide network of consumer protection attorneys, Civil Justice helps Marylanders keep precious assets in their pockets and recover damages for illegal business actions. Civil Justice offers free representation to tenants facing debt collection by their former landlords in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Anne Arundel County. Low bono, and contingency fee assistance is available statewide for those experiencing debt collection violations, credit reporting errors, and other unlawful actions including illegal evictions. 

Limited representation
Full Representation
Housing - General
Limited representation
Full Representation
Housing - Landlord/Tenant
Limited representation
Full Representation

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