Protection Order Advocacy and Representation

Program Contact Phone
Office days/hours
M-F 8:30-4:30
Intake days/hours (walk-in)
M-F 8:30-4:30
Intake days/hours (by phone)
M-F 8:30-4:30
Persons who have been abused by an intimate partner and have a case in the eligible counties
Program Description

The Protection Order Advocacy and Representation Project (POARP) can provide you with a free attorney to represent you in protection order hearings if you have been abused by an intimate partner (current or past boyfriend/girlfriend, current or ex-spouse) and your case is in Baltimore City, Baltimore County or Carroll County.

POARP services are free and can include:

  • Help filling out the Petition for Protection from Domestic Violence
  • Representation in court in protective order hearings
  • Help enforcing or changing a protective order
  • Helping you develop a plan to keep yourself safe
  • Accompaniment to criminal court hearings and assistance through the criminal process
  • Referrals to other programs in the community that may be able to help you

To request a lawyer to represent you or to get more information about the protective order process, contact the POARP office in the county where you are going to court.

Baltimore City: 410-783-0377

Baltimore County: 410-887-3162

Carroll County: 410-386-2440

Domestic Violence
Full Representation

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List of links present in page
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  6. #bootstrap-panel--content